Hi, I'm Anna and I am living as an exchange student in Cordoba. Argentina.
I am living with a family and attending school here. I arrived July 18th and have been loving every minute of my stay here!
I can't belive that I have to leave so soon! I have been having the time of my life, trying new foods, going to new places, and experiencing a new life.
This blog as been set up for my family and friends so that they can see all the crazy adventures I have been having here

Monday, August 2, 2010

How many people read this?

I was wondering how many people read this, and if you would like to know more about my adventure in Argentina. I would love any feedback

1 comment:

  1. Hey it's Meghan =] my mom couldnt figure out how to reply so i'm doing it for her. haha but she loves you blog! and of course me too. sounds like you're having a blast! we miss you! <3
