Hi, I'm Anna and I am living as an exchange student in Cordoba. Argentina.
I am living with a family and attending school here. I arrived July 18th and have been loving every minute of my stay here!
I can't belive that I have to leave so soon! I have been having the time of my life, trying new foods, going to new places, and experiencing a new life.
This blog as been set up for my family and friends so that they can see all the crazy adventures I have been having here

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Womans day

Today is the day of the woman. So happy to all the ladies out there!

We didn't have school yesterday or today becuase it is a federal holiday. (not womans day) But Carnival! It isn't really celebrated but there is no school so im not complaining. We have shool from wednesday to friday. Then the next week, is the first week that we have classes all week. But the week after there is another long weekend!
Then april comes..... There is the holy week (which we have off). I will be going to Buenas Aires with my family. Then its only a very very short time before i have to return.

I cannot believe how fast this year has passed!

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