along with a new school year come new classes.
This year there are eighteen materials.
Monday---> investigation of the market, public finances, final work (group projects), computers, english
Tuesday---> final work (group projects, math (this year is trigonometry), Administration, Philosophy,
Wendesday---> Seminario (this is kind of like an extra class where we finish up stuff we didnt do last year), system of information, laws of marketing, public finances, History,
Thursday, Math, Christian Formation (church class, kinda of like youth group), economics, Administration, Seminario
Friday---> Chemistry, Physics, system of information, Language, Formation of art (acting)
all days start at 7:30 with the raising of the flag. My classes end at 3 everyday except Tuesday at 1:15.
Last year my little brother had afternoon classes, so he was able to bring me my lunch everyday, this year he goes in the morning... We are still trying to figure lunch out.
All classes are 80 minutes long, with a ten minute break in between
If it seems like I have alot of business classes I do. There are two classes, A and B. A has business classes, B has computer classes.
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