Hi, I'm Anna and I am living as an exchange student in Cordoba. Argentina.
I am living with a family and attending school here. I arrived July 18th and have been loving every minute of my stay here!
I can't belive that I have to leave so soon! I have been having the time of my life, trying new foods, going to new places, and experiencing a new life.
This blog as been set up for my family and friends so that they can see all the crazy adventures I have been having here

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

first day of school

Today was the first day of school!
Last night we were suppose to have an all night party, but thankfully that didn't happen. We couldn't find a place to have it. A couple people still got together but i opted for sleep! Everyone came to my house this morning so we could all walk in together. Since we are now in sexto (sith grade/senior year) we made our shirts. All the shirts have our names and 2011. There are two classes, sexto A and sexto B. I dont have pictures uploaded yet, but i will get them up later tonight. The shirts are different for each class. Our jackets aren't ready yet, but thats okay. Its about a million degrees!

We finished class at 1:15. Some people went to the shopping center to eat, the rest went home to sleep the siesta. In a little bit my friends are going to come over to hang out in the pool. I will sleep the siesta once they leave.

pictures coming soon.....

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