Luckily we got in line early, unfortunately the tickets we bought were fakes, so we had to buy more. 20 for a fake ticket and thirty at the door. (our friends bought tickets too, they were real, half and half was fake :/ )So we get in, and abot 20 min after we enter they shut the doors and don't let anyone else in. Inside there was room for 1000 people, and it was easily filled. I had a friend on the outside who was able to sneak in later who said outside there was easily double! I have been to this club one time before and I remembered that it wasn't that great. It was more like a warehouse with music and some lights, and a table they set up as a bar. Normally in clubs water is free. This place charged 10 for water. So 20 for a fake ticket, 30 for a real ticket, 10 for water, and 20 to get there. One of my most expensive nights here. Normally I can go to a club pay 5 for a taxi, get in free, free water, and catch a ride home with a friend.
The club did close early though, normally at 5 or so, last night at 4:15. Supposedly the police wanted to close it earlier, but they decided it would be safer if the people on the inside stayed on the inside instead of making them leave.
Oh, and I lost a ring : (
I have to admit I have had much better nights than last night.
but here are some pictures from our pirate costumes ----->

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