Hi, I'm Anna and I am living as an exchange student in Cordoba. Argentina.
I am living with a family and attending school here. I arrived July 18th and have been loving every minute of my stay here!
I can't belive that I have to leave so soon! I have been having the time of my life, trying new foods, going to new places, and experiencing a new life.
This blog as been set up for my family and friends so that they can see all the crazy adventures I have been having here

Thursday, August 19, 2010

late start, and english class

today we had a late start for school, 9:30
there were teacher meeting of sorts.
Also we had english class. This is my third week in school here, and some how this is my first time having english class. Not quite sure how that works. haha
But to say the least it was very easy, and everyone wanted to be my partner for book work. haha

Everything has been great. I have an oppertunity to go on a trip to the south for 15 days in october. The trip coves alot of Argentina, including Buenas Aires and a little but of Chile. I really hope i can go!! (feel free to help me convice my dad ; )

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